IAI's Biennial Lectures
The IAI's Biennial Lecture has since 2005 been held at the
European Conference of African Studies. It provides leading scholars with the opportunity to offer
fresh perspectives on the changing face of contemporary Africa. From 1948, 1950-72 and between 2003-17, the
IAI Lecture was known as the Lugard Lecture after the Institute's founding chairman.
Fatou Sow: The representation of women and claims to citizenship in Africa: beyond a political debate
Women’s identities – however they are authorised or imagined, assumed, contested or claimed – still remain at the heart of the stakes and the challenges of their access to citizenship several decades after independence. More than a political debate about gender and the struggle for women’s rights, which would be fairly straightforward, this involves a profound reassessment of the social, cultural, civilizational, ideological and religious values of various African historical experiences. Women cannot understand their present situation without reference to their past; at the same time this past is being deciphered with critical analytical tools progressively developed in the present. Women must contribute to the discourse on universality starting from the cultures and historical experiences of the continent, as human experiences that should be re-examined.
This lecture was held at ECAS2019. Africa: Connections and Disruptions Edinburgh, June 11-14 2019.
It has been published both in French and English in full text:
French version: Download PDF
English version:
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- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2017, by Elisio Macamo. See https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/ecas7/p/5929#. This lecture was published in Africa 88 (1). See doi.org/10.1017/S0001972017000626. It can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tooclmpUmnc
- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2015, by Ousmane Kane, Islamic Education in West Africa: the Past and the Present. See www.ecas2015.fr/keynote-speakers/
- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2013, by Alcinda Honwana, Youth, Waithood, and Protest Movements in
Africa. Download PDF
- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2011, by Peter Ekeh, Basil Davidson and the Culture of the African State.
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- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2009, by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Pan-Africanism in the Age of Obama. Download PDF
- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2007, by Peter Geschiere, Lord Lugard and the Ambiguities of Belonging: From
Indirect Rule to Present-Day Issues of Autochthony. Download PDF
- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2005, by Emmanuel K. Akyeampong, Race, Identity and Citizenship in Black
Africa: The Case of the Lebanese in Ghana. Download Abstract PDF
. The final version of this lecture was published in Africa 76 (03), August 2006, pp 297-323 (freely accessible at Cambridge Journals).
- IAI's Biennial Lecture 2003, by John Middleton, A View of Africa: the International African Institute.
- IAI Public lecture 1986, by Michael Crowder, ‘Us and ‘them’: the International African Institute and the current crisis of identity in African Studies. The final version of this lecture was published in Africa 57 (1), February 1987, pp 109-22
- IAI's Lecture 1972 (London), by Frederick Pedler, Universities and polytechnics in Africa. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 42 (4), October 1972, pp 263–74.
- IAI's Lecture 1970 (Paris), by Germaine Dieterlen, Les Cérémonies soixantenaires du sigui chez les Dogons: onzième Lugard memorial lecture. (‘The sextennial ceremonies of the Sigui among the Dogon’). A version of this lecture was published in Africa 41 (1), January 1971, pp 1–11.
- IAI's Lecture 1967 (London), by Daryll Forde, Anthropology and the growth of African studies: Africa
after the first world war. Download
Abstract PDF
. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 37 (4 ), October 1967, pp 389–406.
- IAI's Lecture 1963 (Brussels), by Hubert Deschamps, Et maintenant, Lord Lugard? Download Abstract PDF
. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 33 (4 ), October 1963, pp 293–306.
- IAI's Lecture 1961 (Rome), by Vinigi Grottanelli, Sul Significato della scultura africana. Download Abstract PDF
. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 31 (4), October 1961, pp 324–43.
- IAI's Lecture 1959 (London), by Melville J Herskovits, Anthropology and Africa - a wider
perspective. Download Abstract PDF
. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 29 (3), July 1959, pp 225–38.
- IAI's Lecture 1958 (Brussels), by Lucy P. Mair, African chiefs today: the Lugard memorial lecture for 1958. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 28 (3), July 1958, pp 195–206.
- IAI's Lecture 1953 (Lisbon), by Emory Ross, The Dual Mandate for tomorrow. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 23 (4 ), October 1953, pp 331–9.
- IAI's Lecture 1952 (Brussels), by Moeller de Laddersous, Le Message de Lord Lugard et l’Afrique
d’aujourd’hui. Download Abstract
. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 22 (3), July 1952, pp 197–214.
- IAI's Lecture 1950 (Amsterdam) by Margery Perham, Lord Lugard: a preliminary evaluation. A version of this lecture was published in Africa 20 (3), July 1950, pp 228–39.
The IAI's Lectures published on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.